In the Trumpito Series, I use a contemporary reinterpretation of the character: Boss Tweed, created in the late 1860s by political cartoonist Thomas Nast.
As a contemporary artist, I am interested in showing the social, economic and political contradictions of our everyday life. My work is based on references to history and how historical and political events have been visually represented specially in the most popular and less elitist artistic media such as prints, cartoons, illustration, etc. That is why in this series I draw a parallel between the corrupt Boss Tweed caricature and the current situation we are immersed with Donald Trump controversial way of leading American politics. With humor and critical sagacity, I am taking advantage of the same visual resources that Thomas Nast used 150 years ago, updating them through Installation, collage, mixed media and digital animation referring to a similar political situation that confirms that History always bites its tail.