These drawings express my personal reaction to uncertainty and social estrangement imposed by the COVID 19 epidemic. In them, in addition to the personal and contextual references, there are poetic, philosophical and scientific allusions.
These drawings express my personal reaction to uncertainty and social estrangement imposed by the COVID 19 epidemic. In them, in addition to the personal and contextual references, there are poetic, philosophical and scientific allusions. In the series, I establish a link between the ancient oriental concept of the Tao, and contemporary cosmologies where astronomy confirms the constant relationship between all the energies and materials of the universe. The pieces visually go from a microscopic to a macroscopic vision, one where we can be looking at a cell as well as a galaxy. The general idea is that all living beings, viruses, animals, humans, and inanimate matter, stones, earth, water, etc., share a destiny interrelated with the creative and destructive forces of nature that always return us to the infinite dust of the universe. The final piece could become a ceramic tile mural for a public space.