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These pieces are part of a large multimedia installation project. In them I use visually and poetically the contrast between natural elements such as wood, coal and natural pigments opposed to manufactured materials and techniques such as engraving on methacrylate, photography and video animation.

These pieces allow me to address issues related to the ecological and socio-political crisis in our world today. It also expresses the dystopian feeling of being on the verge of history.

My art reflects on the fragility of a globalized world that is affected by our negative and ruthless action against nature. This make us defenseless, insecure and constantly threatened by hazardous and uncontrollable natural and socio-political events, such as ecological disasters, pandemics, regional wars and dictatorships. All this accompanied by inequalities and social injustices that threaten the stability and balance of natural and human life in both rural and metropolitan regions in our planet.

In the pieces, there are numerous citations to literature, mythology and philosophy, and there are references to games of luck as the lottery and divination systems such as the Cuban Chinese Charade. The engravings and maps superimposed on the images refer to the illustrations of the books of anatomy by Vesalius and the Dore works for Dante’s Inferno, Paradise and Purgatory books. The compositions will occasionally refer to archetypal gestures of the representation of the Christian martyrology. The pieces also combine abstract and figurative elements. Animals and human figures are symbols of the resurrection and how the creative force of nature prevails and the hope of life reappears from the ashes of death.

The installation as a whole will be a symbolic parable about the circles of life and death, the recurrences of history and the concern about how new generations will inherit and face all this uncertainty.
The title comes from an epic poem by Cyprian Norwid (1821-83), read out in the Polish film Ashes and Diamonds 1958 by Andrzej Wajda:

From you, as from burning chips of resin,
Fiery fragments circle far and near:
Ablaze, you don't know if you are to be free,
Or if all that is yours will disappear.
Will only ashes and confusion remain,
Leading into the abyss?? or will there be
In the depths of the ash a star-like diamond,
The dawning of eternal victory!


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