Curator: Yumiko Okada
Participating artists: Katsuko Ishigaki, Katsushi Shimabukuro, Teizo Nagatsu, Yukinori Nebo, Tomoko Nema, Sandra Ramos.
A remote island's existence is always conditioned by its distance from a larger island or the center known as the ``main island,'' but at the same time, it also obscures the outline of the larger island and disrupts its appearance. Distance itself has the potential to act as a form of resistance to larger forces.
The village is an island. Depending on the season and the weather, they may become isolated and request transportation and equipment to escape from that isolation. A village that is an island also has other villages that are ``remote islands,'' and these can sometimes serve as a refuge from the closed nature of the village/island.
The way of life, the landscape, and what we see as nature in a given place is the sum total of the imaginations of many people over a long period of time, and we must look at them, record them, and use our imaginations to create new things. . It is not something that is unique or fixed to a particular place, but that there are islands around the world that serve as "areas of sympathy" like enclaves. Starting from the remote island of Miyagi Island, I would like to think about how to ``treat the islands with infinite respect'' by observing the various ways in which the islands exist like migratory birds. Also, keep in mind that every remote island has another remote island, and that there are passageways to other remote islands.